Titanium Needed for Nuclear Power

It has been predicted that U.S. overall energy consumption will increase by 20% in the next twenty years.  Meeting this demand is going to require putting a lot of our focus back onto nuclear power.  And to make the plants run, we will need titanium.

Lots and lots of titanium…  and folks that know how to weld titanium.  If you don’t know about welding titanium, check out this article from The Fabricator, Titanium, You Can Weld It!

Titanium trends: Energy demand, titanium demand grow hand-in-hand

March 9, 2009

Although titanium was discovered in the late 18th century, it wasn’t until 1940 that a metallurgist, Dr. William Kroll, first devised a commercially viable process for extracting the metal fromits raw ore. In the 1950s titanium was recognized for its high strength and light weight, making it the new wonder metal in the aerospace industry. Furthermore,its corrosion resistance led to its widespread use in power plant condensers and chemical applications.


And when you’re ready to start welding that titanium, be sure to check out some of the high performance shield gas accessories for your TIG / GTAW torch at Arc-Zone.com (and of course the ArcTime(TM) Hybrid tungsten) that will make your titanium welding job easier…..

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