Dec 2017: ‘Tis the Season for joining round the table, all things glittering, savings, and gratitude for blessings big & small.
With a dedicated grinding wheel, your tungsten can stay on point, contamination free, and evenly sharpened. Unfortunately, the Zales jewelry store doesn’t guarantee these diamonds to stay glittery for life, so be sure to replace your wheel when you stop getting the perfect finish on your tungsten. We’ve ’em in stock and ready to help deliver the best grind every time.
Arc-Zone’s gratitude for our subscribers has spilled over into this edition. We got lots of positive feedback on our GR8FULSale, so we decided to bring it back for one(ish) more day. Click here to see all the products that are offered at 10% off.Use Code: GR8FUL @ Check-out. Our Team is taking the afternoon off to share a meal, play games, laugh, and steal some presents from one another ;-). Since we couldn’t invite all of you to join us, we wanted to offer you this lil’ Metal Mashup party favor just the same. Thank you for choosing Arc-Zone and for reading our Metal Mashup!
Get ’em while they’re cheap(er). A fixturing table can take your weld shop to the next level… of productivity and quality. Your table is the centerpiece of your workshop, aiding you in serving up the best darn metalwork in the tri-state area. Martha Stewart’s got nothing on the fabricators who exactly how to Wow the recipients of their handiwork. And every Top Chef knows it’s only with the highest quality “ingredients” that you can cook up the most memorable, savory dishes.
Our economic expansion, as dull as it has been at times, is nearing a historic length-and it might just might have some more life in it (Please Please Please!).The length of the economic expansion since the Great Recession is turning into one of the longest on record. The good news is that there doesn’t appear to be any potholes ahead in the coming months. Check-out this article in the Fabricator for more good news on the outlook for our industry in 2018.
Jimmy DiResta is always a man with an unbelievable vision and plan. Who knew you could recreate bark with steel bars? He literally tacks, fuses, and grinds the bars so that they become one…seamless masterpiece hugging the walnut slab. Enjoy this video to help inspire your own creativity. This creation is All Bark, Done Right!!!
The Holidaze are a time to reflect on why we do what we do and to spend time with family. In this issue, we wanted to twinkle a light on Nick (@mishler_made_fab), a 3-time father who lays down the weaves and the hammer to build a new home, work 2 jobs, and still have time to be a loving husband & father. We know there’s lots of kindred spirits out there who are also makin it happen each day for themselves & their families. We tip our hoods to you this holiday season and thru the year. Keep up the amazing work – clearly you’re doing something more than a lil’ Right!!!