In case you have not noticed… at Arc-Zone we sell a lot of Weldcraft TIG Torches. We’ve been impressed with their quality, and plus we like dealing with everyone at the Appleton Wisconsin facility. Of course we liked it better when they were just up the road in Burbank, it was like they were neighbors, but we are still getting really great service, and great products from them.
Weldcraft is now selling tungsten.
Weldcraft will offer five types of tungsten: pure, 2% ceriated, 2% thoriated, 1.5% lanthanum and rare earth. Each type of tungsten will be available in 7-inch lengths in industry standard diameters of 0.40-, 1/16-, 3/32-, 1/8- and 5/32-inches.
Weldcraft’s new line of premium tungsten meets even the most demanding of TIG welding applications. Weldcraft evaluated multiple sources to find the highest quality tungsten in the industry. According to Mike Sammons, sales and marketing manager, Weldcraft, “We are excited to be able to provide our customers with this new product offering. Our commitment to supply quality TIG products to our customers is extremely important to us. Adding the tungsten line expands that commitment.” Weldcraft’s engineers conducted several rigorous tests to ensure quality and durability. Sammons continues, “Our new line of tungsten line is far superior to other tungsten available on the market-we guarantee it.”
So. If their tungsten is as good as their TIG torches, we may have to start offering Weldcraft tungsten along with our own Amplify brand tungsten….