Women in Welding


Over on the Millerwelds Viewpoints Blog, the latest post is about women in welding. Or rather the lack thereof. I’ve written about this before, wondering Where are the Women Welders, but it bears repeating.

I did a little poking around and re-discovered the Dream It Do It campaign by the National Association of Manufacturers. And lo and behold, found their YouTube space, and this video profiling Kellie Johnson of ACE Clearwater.

As president of an aerospace engineering company, Kellie’s in charge of the big picture stuff–like creating a really cool work environment for her employees. She understands that in manufacturing, it’s almost impossible for one person to do it all. So she needs everyone to love what they do or else the product suffers.

She’s not just IN the industry, she’s heading up a corporation. Pretty inspirational (even if she herself is not a welder).


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