If you live near Providence, are between the ages of 14 and 18, and are interested in creative metal fabrication (who isn’t), then you’re in luck.
Camp Metalhead
Interested in art? Want to learn how to make things out of metal? Come to the Steel Yard! Camp Metalhead is a FREE two-week long intensive introduction to creative metal fabrication from July 20th to 31st, 2009. You will learn about the history and profession of metalworking in Providence and beyond. Each morning, you get a behind-the-scenes experience at a local manufacturing business or artist’s studio. The rest of the day is spent learning how to weld! You will learn the basics of shop safety and various metal fabrication techniques including MIG welding and oxyacetylene torch cutting. At the end of the program, you will design and fabricate a piece of functional public art to be installed in the community.
To attend Camp Metalhead, you must be between the ages of 14 and 18. You can be male or female, and you do not have to be currently in school. Enrollment is limited. Preference is given to those living in Providence and from local public schools. You do not need to have any related experience!