Clackamas Community College offers welding classes seven days a week. Their most popular time slot? The “graveyard shift”.
Welding school offers night shift to fit busy schedules
Story Published: Feb 3, 2010 at 4:30 AM PST
By Chris Parker for KVAL.comOREGON CITY, Ore. — The sun isn’t necessary for students welding at midnight: the blinding electric arcs provide enough light at Clackamas Community College metal shop.
John Phelps and David Williams instruct welding classes during the graveyard shift, from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m., to accommodate an enrollment demand that has surged over the last year.
According to Phelps, enrollment increased 60 percent since last fall term, making it difficult for students to take welding classes during normal hours.
“Because the enrollment shot up so high, there was no other way to accommodate these needs,” Phelps said. “We already offer classes seven days a week. The only other time slot we didn’t offer was this late at night, and so we wanted to give it a try.”
At first the graveyard classes were only held two nights a week, but since being offered spring term of 2009, more students have become interested in the late night class. Now, the graveyard class is offered Monday through Thursday.