My first thought when I stumbled upon the following website was: “PINK!!” Just like that – all caps.
I had just found the homepage of Charm and Hammer, a website dedicated to “safety gear for the hard working woman™. It has everything you could ever want or need in a work environment.
Safety goggles? Check.
Welding gloves? Check.
Hot pink toolbelt? Definitely check!
I swear that if you counted, at least 75% percent of the products on that website are pink! And they aren’t ashamed of it!
They also feature products from two different companies, of which I am also a fan:
Rosie’s Workwear for Women and
The former makes lovely overalls and coveralls AND the t-shirt to the left (which I was very tempted to order — after all, we here at Carmen Electrode can never get enough of Rosie!) The latter — well, where else would you go to find pink power tools?!?
You guys (er, girls) have to check these sites out – your work wardrobe may never be the same again!
However, if pink is not your thing (like maybe you don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb on the work site), check out the
AngelFire™ Gear at –>
We carry this state of the art line of welding gear for women, inlcuding the Firefly™ TIG gloves, made especially for women, all in a nice chocolate brown.