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Those of you of a certain age will remember that 70s era jingle from Burger King. At Arc-Zone.com we get special requests fairly often. And we’re pretty good at getting our customers what they want.

Case in point, Armando in Texas writes:

I need a TIG torch Package WP-26, but needs to be 75′ long, include a torch and hand-held amperage control and a cable cover to be used on a Miller Synchrowave 250.

Please quote and time of delivery

Although the WP-26 TIG Torch package from Weldcraft does not come with a 75′ Cable, and you can cobble together 75′ worth of cable, a better solution is our custom-length cables. Turnaround time is generally 5-7 days. You’ll still have to put together two cable covers, but that won’t affect performance in the least.

45V62- Power Cable AdapterThe Miller Synchrowave 250 has a threaded stud connection for the TIG torch, rather than the DINSE style plugs more common in newer machines so we recommended an upgrade. With a 45V62 Power Cable Adapter, he could adapt his machine to accept a TIG Torch with a DINSE connector. The benefit being that you can easily switch out one TIG Torch for another. Also, you can standardize all your machines and torches to one connector so that any torch you have can go on any machine– a great benefit for a company that needs be as flexible as possible.

But before we could put together a realistic quote for Armando we needed to know which hand held amperage control he wanted– at Arc-Zone.com we offer two different styles of hand held amperage controls: one with a side-to-side (east-west) dial, and one with an in-line (north-south) rotary motion control.

Once we clarified exactly what he needed, we were able to put together a quote, with a realistic delivery date… special orders really don’t upset us.


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