Plasma Cutting for Beginners

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If you already know all about plasma cutting, then this article is not for you, but if you’re new to the industry, or investigating all the metal fabrication processes out there, then check it out.

Plasma cutting and how it works

By Kent Swart, Contributing Writer
August 11, 2009

What is plasma cutting, and when is it your best metal cutting option? What information do you need to choose the right plasma system? This article answers these questions and more about plasma cutting.

plasma-cuttingThe basic technology for plasma cutting has been around for decades. Researchers and engineers remain focused on increasing cut speed, improving cut quality, and extending consumable life, while making systems smaller and more powerful.

What Is Plasma Cutting?

Once a gas is heated to an extremely high temperature and ionized, it becomes electrically conductive and is considered to be plasma. Plasma arc cutting and gouging processes use plasma to transfer an electrical arc to the workpiece. The metal to be cut or removed is melted by the arc’s heat and then blown away.


And check out this article about plasma arc cutting over at… tips to maximize the life of your PAC consumables and enhance your cut quality –>

Hypertherm PAC torches at …and check out the line of Plasma Arc Cutting Torches and replacement parts at


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