This has to be my favorite topic post ever from the Miller Discussion Boards. It started three years ago, and amazingly, continues up until, probably whenever you’re reading this! From the over five hundred responses I picked out twenty of my favorites – see if you recognize any!
You Might Be a Welder If…
- you’re in the truck and halfway home when it finally dawns on you that you still have you’re tig gloves on –2much2do
- when working out at the gym, you spend more time examining the welds on the gym equipment than you do actually using the equipment – NewMexSmoke
- you examine the welds on a car to determine whether to buy it or not – metalmeltr
- the smell of argon and scorched clothing are nostalgic – arc~angel
- you can tell what part of you is on fire just by the smell – raserspeed
- your safety boots could be used for tap dancing because of all the molten metal imbeded in their sole –Bubblemaker
- your jeans are starting to rust – welderman23
- you measure the rods you’ve burned in tons – triggerman
- everybody at the weld supplier knows you by the sound of your voice when you call – BartsArcs
- when you see a fire your first reaction is to put it out with your hands – steel n bones
- you sit in the living room with a propane torch on the coffe table using it to make smores – turboglenn
- you get splatter/grind dust in your coffee but you drink it anyway – Gnarcissist
- you have the needed concentration to weld while wearing flip-flops! – linas58
- your wife finds all of her pots and pans in one of your sculptures – welder_guy
- you’ve ever set your Boss on fire – MattT
- you can identify different stick electrodes by their smell – Marcel Bauer
- you have more welding hoods than your wife has shoes – GilaSlim
- you have done the one footed hop from the hot sparks that fell into your boot and down between your toes –jhwelder
- your clothes catch on fire more than once a day – richcharles
- you have a completely different meaning for “It’s Miller time!” – SkidSteerSteve
Got any more YMBAWI quotes? Let’s start another marathon thread here!